Monday, October 12, 2009

Meet ‘Ardi’

‘Ardi’ is the latest candidate by the ‘Secular Evolutionary Worldview Glasses’ folks to support their belief in evolution.

Ardipithecus ramidus, affectionately known as ‘Ardi’ by the researchers, was found in Ethiopia in the early 1990s but we are only hearing about it now. Hmmm.

But, ‘Ardi’ (the supposedly 4,4 milion year old ) fossil does NOT prove evolution.

Several recent articles on the net tell about the ‘find’ of ‘Ardi’. For example, this one speaks glowingly of ‘Ardi’ (glowingly if you have on ‘Secular Evolutionary Worldview Glasses’.) HERE’S THE LINK

Another article from ABC news (which also was written by an author wearing ‘Secular Evolutionary Worldview Glasses’) was a little more ‘tolerant’ of the thought that this might not be the smoking gun after all, and quoted several Creationist scholars including David Menton, Ph.D, John Morris, Ph.D. and others. HERE’S THE LINK for that article.

And, yes, this is all very interesting. But what do the experts in the camp wearing the ‘Biblical Worldview Glasses’ have to say, you ask.

Well, a very interesting article on the AIG website discusses ‘Ardi’ and is a must read. Even if you do not read the 2 links referenced above, you do need to read this one from AIG.

Note: The web page on the AIG site, in addition to the discussion about ‘Ardi’, has several other interesting responses to other recent news items. The first article is about ‘Ardi’ but you will probably want to read the other news items as well.

So, with that said, HERE’S THE LINK