Sunday, October 4, 2009

Attention World! God is NOT Dead !

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) is perhaps best known for the statement in his book, The Gay Science. In that book, written in 1882, the character known as The Madman stated, “"God is dead! God remains dead! And we have killed him!"

The Time Magazine cover is that of the April 8, 1966 issue and shows that in 1966, the influence of Nietzsche still continued and had additional proponents making the same types of statements as ‘The Madman’ or variations on the theme.

I remember that time (mid 20th century) and the magazine (alas, that shows my age) as many were discussing this concept in 1966 and the years before and after. Sadly, even today such thoughts are still bandied around.

So the question lingers in many people’s minds, even today. And that question is: Is God Dead?

A really good article discusses this. I think you will find it very interesting and helpful. HERE’S THE LINK