Thursday, January 7, 2010

Will the Real Flood Account please stand up

As you know, there are many flood stories ‘out there’ in history. n fact, there are flood stories and legends from diverse locations all around the world.

Alas, many folks want to discount the Biblical account but readily and eagerly accept the other accounts.

For example, a recent article on the website touted the discovery of a flood legend which was described on a clay tablet from Babylon. In that account, the Ark was round !

Ask yourself: “Self, Why is it that folks refuse to accept the Biblical account but are so eager to jump on the other accounts and say that they are the true story and that the Biblical account is the corrupted version?”

You are surely familiar with the real account, the Biblical account. But, if you aren’t, you can read it HERE.

Now, knowing the true account that you just read (or recalled) in Genesis, compare it with this latest ‘find’.

In fact, it would be helpful if you would get out a sheet of blank paper and in one column list the so called ‘facts’ written on the clay tablet from Babylon (such as ‘ark is round’, etc). Then read the Genesis account (Genesis 6:9 - 9:18) and in a second column, list the various facts such as the dimensions of the ark (which sure do not sound like a description of a round structure, etc).

I think you will find the discrepancies to be significant.

But you will also find some similarities. What do you make of that? Could it be that the same flood event is being described but one is more accurate than the other?

Could the similarities be because one is the true account while the other (in this case the clay tablet account) is not the ‘real’ one even though the folks in this news article wearing their “secular world view glasses” think that the clay tablet account is the true one?.

Anyway, to read the latest ‘candidate’ for the original ‘flood account’, HERE’S THE LINK .... and be sure to read all the way to the end as the very last sentence is very strange. Hmmmm.