Friday, November 6, 2009

How do fossils form?

Doubtless you have heard repeatedly that it takes a lonnnnnng time for a fossil to form, perhaps millions of years.

But, is that correct? Can the ‘evolutionary world view glasses folks’ show us any experiments or tests to prove that it takes a lonnnnnng time? Well, actually they can’t. First of all, who lives long enough to complete the test.

But, folks wearing the ‘young earth glasses’ are beginning to do experiments and tests to try to determine how fossils form and how long it really takes.

This is the type of research that we need to be showing to our kids in their Biology and Chemistry classes and even, gasp, in Sunday Schools! If they were made aware of the current research such as in the article we will link to today, they will be much less likely to swallow the evolutionary concept hook, line, and sinker as they are currently doing.

This article is 'kinda' technical, but you are smart readers and can handle it. It is not THAT technical. I do wish it had more pictures, but, oh well, you can’t have everything I guess.

Anyway, a lot of reallllllly good information is presented and includes an experiment that can be done in a Chemistry class. So, you teachers and homeschoolers pay special attention. This might be something you will want to do.

But, whether you do the experiment at the end of the article or not, this is a very good explanation of how and why fossils form. You DO need to know this information. So, HERE’S THE LINK.