Sunday, November 1, 2009

Daylight Savings Time ENDS today!

Yes, it has happened again. It is "Fall Back Time" (you know the old saying “Spring Forward and Fall Back"). So it’s time to do all that ‘clock changing’ routine again. And what a hassle that is.

Indeed, for days after these time change events, I keep finding more clocks and things that have to be adjusted.

And even worse, I have a digital wristwatch, given to me by two nephews. Only one tiny problem. It is so complicated that I don’t know how to change the time. And they live far far away. So how is it going to be changed?

I guess I will have to do as I did a few weeks ago while on a vacation in a time zone 6 hours different from where the watch is set and normally ‘lives’. Of course, that meant that every time I wanted to know what time it was, I had to subtract 6. Fortunately that lasted only a few weeks.

But, wow, now that the Daylight savings time is changing, this probably means I am going to have to ‘calculate’ what time it is every time I look at my watch for the next several months. (Or maybe I can take it to a store -- or find a kid on the street-- and see if they will change it for me.)

Anyway, that is not the ‘only’ objection that a lot of us ‘old folks’ have to DST. The biggest objection, at least to me, is that DARK happens tooooooo early in the winter.

Oh well, ‘nuff of this rambling. You probably know how to change your digital watches and maybe you don’t care when it gets dark or light.

But, if you would like to know the ‘history’ of Daylight Savings time and why we are doing all these changes, well, HERE’S THE LINK.