Sunday, July 17, 2011

Carmageddon? Or Not?

You may have heard that in Los Angeles, the famous Interstate 405 Freeway is closed this weekend !


Yes. Closed for the Weekend. Well, technically for 53 hours during the weekend.


Well, it seems that there is a bridge that needs to be torn down.  And, in order to do this, 10 miles -- yes you read that correctly -- 10 miles of the freeway has to be shut down.   Go figure.

Anyway, with this very important traffic corridor being closed, the 'experts' in LA were expecting what they called 'carmageddon' this week end.


Yes, they expected a huge traffic jam on the side streets and other routes.  Pictures made through early saturday morning, however (like the cartoon clip above) show that that Carmageddon has not yet happened. 

Indeed, the pictures of this essentially empty freeway in L.A. which is usually teeming with bumper to bumper traffic, are amazing.  HERE'S THE LINK