Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Second Temple (Herod's Temple) -- The Temple Jesus knew

We are in the midst of Passover week.

This is the week in which the Lord God Jesus Christ was crucified and died to pay the penalty for the sins of mankind. 

Then after having paid that penalty, He arose again to life after having spent 3 days and nights in the tomb. 

Yes, He was really dead.

And Yes, He really came back to life!

Shortly before His death and resurrection, while speaking to His apostles, He told them that the Temple (The Second Temple / Herod's Temple) would be destroyed.

There is a website with Virtual Reconstruction images of that very temple, the one where He and His disciples worshiped, visited, and in which He taught.

This is the very Temple that Jesus predicted its soon destruction.

You might like to see what they were seeing as Jesus spoke to them just a very short time before His death and resurrection.

You will want to bookmark this site. HERE'S THE LINK