Friday, April 15, 2011

It is April 15 -- Are your taxes finished?

For many folks April 15 is dreaded because they haven't finished filling out their tax forms.

But this year everyone gets a brief reprieve in that this year your taxes do not have to be 'in' until Monday April 18!



But why?

Well, I checked various calendars and saw no national holiday, no president's day, no Secretaries day, or whatever.

So, WHY has there been this reprieve from April 15 to April 18?

Well, it seems that there is a holiday after all.

What is it?

An article on the net provided this interesting reason:

"The traditional tax return filing deadline is April 15 of each year, but the IRS has approved April 18, 2011 as the tax filing deadline for 2010 Tax Returns and extension requests in observation of Emancipation Day in the District of Columbia."

Knew you would want to know.

And, now, since you are probably still busy, instead of providing a link to click to today, you can go back to working on your taxes.