Sunday, June 29, 2014

ARRL field day continues

As we mentioned yesterday, Field Day is a Big Big event for hams.

In fact, if you have not read the DIT for Saturday, please do so as it explains in more detail about Field Day, its purpose, what happens, and why.

If you are a Shortwave listener, you can hear the hams on 160 meters and up with the exception of 30, 17, and 12 meter bands.

So tune in your radios and listen to the hams.

Better still, drop in on one or more of the sites and watch the Hams making contacts.

It is not too late to drop in.  Most events last till mid or late afternoon on Sunday.

And, if they have already stopped making contacts, you will be fascinated by the 'take down' and packing up of the antennas and equipment.

The entire event is a lot of fun whether you are a Ham or not.

To Find the location of a Field Day site near you, check out the ARRL Field Day Site Locator Page.  HERE'S THE LINK
