Thursday, September 16, 2010

Old Cell phones are still useful !

You ‘young-ens’ have always had cell phones.

Whereas ‘grey headed wonders’ remember phones the likes of which the youth of today only see in ‘historical films’.

My how time flies.

Just a few years ago cell phones, such as we have today, were stuff of the Dick Tracy cartoons.  Anyone remember those?

Anyway, it seems that today almost everyone has a cell phone.

But whenever a new flashier model comes out, it is ‘out with the old’ and in with the new.

As a result, there are many old cell phones no longer in use but which, believe it or not, still have a function!


Yes, it is a little known fact but you can still use an old, out of service, deactivated, cell phone to call 911.

Seems that a gov. law requires ALL cell phones to be able to call 911 whether they are under a service contract or not.

So, instead of throwing away your cell phone, or keeping it in a drawer, or giving it to charity (a good idea), or giving it to someone when you upgrade (which is how I got my current cell phone), --

You can keep the old, out of favor cell phone, under the seat in your car, or give it to an elderly relative, or to a child so that it can be used for an emergency 911 call.

And actually you can even do more than that.

To read about how to use a deactivated cell phone to call 911 and other things that can also be done, HERE’S A LINK