Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Amazing Shrinking Christopher

Great news for those of you who are following the saga of Baby Christopher.

He is, as you will recall, the now almost 4 month old son of the Sports Writer in Oregon.

Anyway, much of the news for the past umpteen weeks since his Heart Transplant has been rather bleak in that his kidneys weren’t (and still aren’t) working properly.

So he has been on peritoneal dialysis. But that began to have problems so was stopped.

Then he was started on ccvhd dialysis.  Initially that was promising, then there was a mild setback.  But, now things seem to be going better.

He is still a long way from being out of the woods, but apparently he has improved over this time a couple of weeks ago.

In fact he is so improved that a sign has been put outside his door to the ICU that reads:  “The Amazing Shrinking Christopher.”

To read the latest 3 entries on his Caring Bridge website about this and other wonderful ‘happenings’, HERE’S THE LINK