Wow. A friend of DIT found this music and sent the link. Thanks, friend.
What is it this time and why are you still posting Christmas music? you ask.
Well, I know that Christmas is over but Christmas music is wonderful all year long.
And this music is not only Christmas-ee but the instrument and the player are most unusual.
Have you ever heard a carillon? Do you know how it is played?
I have heard the carillon at Stone Mt. Park in Georgia but have only heard it from a distance and had no idea what it really looks like.
Though the carillon played here is not at Stone Mountain Park but in Pittsburg and it seems to be a mobile one rather than permanent, still it is typical of what one would look and sound like.
This 4 minute 27 second video gives a close up view of the carillon and the unusual artist, cast in bronze, as he plays. HERE'S THE LINK