Monday, August 31, 2009

The Anatomy of a Molecule !

Have you seen this? The picture in the upper left of today’s entry shows the first close up view of a single molecule!

We are talking reallllllly small. How small ? Well.....

This molecule is 1.4 nanometers long. That is wayyyyyyy smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. It is so small that it took a special microscope called an ‘atomic force’ microscope to image it.

Hmmm. I remember when the electron microscope was the cutting edge of science. Well, that has been way surpassed by this new imaging device.

Anyway, back to this molecule. It is an organic molecule called Pentacene and consists of 22 carbon atoms and 14 hydrogen atoms. And, those of you who took Chemistry in school will readily appreciate the hexagon shape that carbon rings form. Wow, imagine that, our Chemistry books had the correct shape.

But even more thrilling to me is the beauty and symmetry of this molecule. It SHOUTS design. This could not have happened by chance and is more evidence of the intricate detail in the structures made by our Creator God!

To read more and to see a short video about this amazing image HERE’S THE LINK.