Friday, October 3, 2014

Yom Kippur 2014 is Friday / Saturday

This important day begins at sundown on Friday October 3

and ends at sundown on Saturday October 4.

That is one reason why we are leaving this DIT up for two days -- because of the overlap.

But, back to the topic at hand:  Yom Kippur -- what is it?

Well, It is the Jewish Day of Atonement and is the end of a period of 10 days of Awe (Repentance) that began in 2014 on Sept 24-25 (sundown to sundown) with Rosh Hashanah.

Yom Kippur is the Holiest day of the Jewish year !!!

So why should a person care about this period of 10 days culminating with Yom Kippur?

The link to which we will go today gives a lot of information about this day.

In fact there is so much information -- that we are leaving this post up for 2 days for 2 reasons

Reason 1: because this day begins at sundown on October 3 and ends at sundown on October 4

and Reason 2: because there is so much information in the link you might want to read and digest it over the two days.

However, Yom Kippur is not just an important day for Jews. 

In fact it is essential for Christians, non-Christians, and Jews to all understand what Yom Kippur means and symbolizes.
