Saturday, November 30, 2013

"Baby" Christopher Update

Today, Saturday, Nov 30, Baby Christopher is no longer a baby. 

This is his Birthday 

and he is now 4 years old !!! Wow.

Many of you have followed his 'health adventures' from the very beginning 4 years ago.

You know that he was born with serious Heart defects which required a Cardiac Transplant shortly after birth.

Then he spent over a year in the Hospital -- actually close to two years all together.

He not only had a Heart Transplant but later had to have a KidneyTransplant  because of Renal failure that occurred after the heart surgery.

It was a long and tedious time.

If you don't know his story, type "Baby Christopher" in the search box in the upper left corner of this page and you will find many articles, postings and links.

Bottom Line: thanks to your prayers and the abilities of the Docs, Nurses, and all other medical folks, he is now 4 years old and an amazing little kiddo.

His older brother and sister have made several videos about his adventures.

One we are posting today so you can see how he is doing.

It is titled "Christopher's Story - This summer coming to a city near you".

The reason for the title is that in the summer of 2013, he and his family moved from Oregon to Oklahoma -- a location that is much closer to his relatives.

So with that by way of introduction,

HERE'S THE LINK to Christopher's Story - This summer coming to a city near you
