Monday, October 28, 2013

We are not in Kansas any more, Toto

As most of you are well aware, the Baseball World Series is in full swing (pun intended).

The St. Louis Cardinals are playing the Boston Red Socks.

Recently, while visiting a friend of DIT, he got an email from a friend who is a serious Red Socks fan.

It was so hilarious that he read it to those in the room with him -- and they also erupted with laughter.

What was it that was so funny?,  you ask.

                  Well, here is what was in the email:

"I want to go back in time and talk to my 12 y/o self.

I'm tell him that one day 20 years into the future

I'll go on my iPad, access my gmail account, open an email from the Red Sox, and download PDF tickets for the World Series.

My 12 y/o self will look confused, ponder all this information,

and finally reply  

"No chance the Red Sox are in the World Series !!!" … ...
