Thursday, July 7, 2016

Noah's Ark Launches today

No, there is no giant rain fall and no world wide flood beginning today


The long awaited 'launch' of Noah's Ark by AIG Ministries opens today.

This is a full size Ark -- using the dimensions in the Bible --

so it is 510 feet long, 51 feet high, and 85 feet wide.

It is located in Williamstown, Ky -- which is very close to Cincinnati and is on I-75 so is easy to access by plane or auto.

And beginning today -- for 40 days and 40 nights, there will be extended hours for everyone to visit it.

If you have not yet taken your summer vacation -- or even if you have -- you should put this on your 'bucket list' (pun intended) of things to do ASAP.

For more information about this amazing Noah's Ark HERE'S THE LINK