The Longest day of the year is also known as the Summer Solstice and is, technically, the first day of summer, though I suspect you thought summer had already been here for several weeks.
Oh Well.
Summer finally officially begins today!
The time for vacations and fun is here at last.
Today, besides being the first day of summer, is also the longest day of the year.
Well, no, the day is not ‘longer’ in that it does not have more hours and minutes. It is still a 24 hour day.
But, this is the day of the year with the longest time of daylight.
After today, until the winter solstice in December, the time of daylight will get shorter and shorter and shorter and ...
Then at the Winter Solstice, the shortest daylight day of the year, the days begin to get longer again until we reach next year’s “first day of summer”.
And on and on the cycle goes day after day, year after year.
Hmmm. Sounds like some kind of ‘design’ here.
Anyway, today, June 21, is the Summer Solstice, the First day of summer, and the day of the year with most daylight, hence the longest day of the year.
Thought you would want to know. And if you want to know more, then HERE'S A LINK