Monday, February 28, 2011

Ice Age Child found in Alaska

You may have already seen this but, in case you haven't --

Recent news reports reveal that Archaeologists have found the remains of what they believe to be a 3 year old Ice Age child in Alaska.

It all began with the discovery of a tooth! (Not the 'clip art' tooth in this picture, of course).  

And then they continued their search.

Teeth according to the Dentist, who frequently reads these DIT's, are so strong and enduring that they are basically the 'last to go' of the skeleton.

So it is not surprising that the discovery began with the finding of a tooth.

Of course, wearing their 'old earth' glasses, they believe the tooth and bone fragments are 11,500 years old.

Those wearing 'young earth' glasses would place the date at somewhere around 4,000 years (in the one and only ice age that occurred shortly after the flood of Noah.)

So with that by way of background, HERE'S THE LINK to the story.

And to see more photos made at the excavation site, HERE'S THE LINK