Sunday, November 21, 2010

A really unusual Flying Car

Well, actually, all flying cars are unusual.

But this one really is.

You have no doubt seen various prototypes of flying cars. We have even posted some on this DIT site in the past.

But, most flying cars look a lot like airplanes.

This one doesn’t.

And, this one is not intended so much for flying in the ‘usual’ way to the ‘usual’ places.

Rather, this flying car was designed by, Steve Saint, the son of the missionary, Nate Saint, who is probably known by name to most of you reading this DIT. 

And, if you are not aware of Nate Saint’s life and sacrifice, you really need to see the movie and read the book (both titled ‘The End of the Spear’) that chronicles the events.

Then you can better understand why this flying car was developed.

Yes, the main intended purpose of this flying car is to assist missionaries and mission work in very remote areas.

This is reallllllly interesting.  HERE’S THE LINK