Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A very clever way to separate egg yolks

It's Heloise time again.

Heloise?   What do you mean?

Well, 'old timers' remember Heloise.

But, younger 'whippersnappers' might not.

Heloise was a person who had a zillion helpful household hints.

And she would be very proud of the one we will see today.

You may have seen this before as we posted it as a DIT many many years ago.

But you might not have been a DIT-er back then.

A friend found this link (she apparently was not a DIT-er way back then) and sent it to us.

So we figured it was time for you to see it for the first time (or for an 'again time')

Prepared to be amazed.

HERE'S THE LINK to a very cool way to separate egg yolks
