Saturday, November 3, 2012

Daylight Savings Times ENDS Sunday Nov 4, 2012

 This is a big heads up and reminder that 

It is “Fall Back time.”

Yes, tonight, this Saturday night (well, technically in the wee hours of Sunday morning), Daylight Savings Time ends. 

So, be sure to change allllll your clocks and timers and everything that ‘blinks when the power goes out’ BACK one hour before you go to bed tonight (Saturday night). 

If you don’t do this, you'll be an hour early to church!  And, if you are a Baptist, I guess that means you will be the early bird making the coffee and putting out the donuts.   : )

Anyway, this will be a 25 hour day, so, joy and happiness, you get another hour of sleep tonight !!!!

But, alas, if you have a job where you are on call or on duty when the time changes, well, sad about that as you have to work longer.  Sigh.

Also, this is a good time change the batteries in your smoke detectors.

And if you want to know more about the how and why and ins and outs of Daylight Savings Time, HERE’S A LINK