Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cans Cans Cans

You might think that things are getting kinda silly today when you see what we found for your ‘edification’. But, I think you are going to like it.

Seems that there recently was a very interesting Sculpture contest that is not your ‘average’ contest.

The annual event is called ‘Canstruction’ and it uses, you guessed it, cans! Cans of food!

Yes those cans of food that you open, empty, and then throw away (tuna, veggies, etc). Believe it or not there is another ‘use’ for these cans...

And, I could go on and on telling you about this but, this is one of those ‘you have to see it to believe it’ things.

So, without further ado, HERE’S THE LINK.