Monday, December 28, 2009

Ancient Tablets tell about Assyrian Empire

Recently we posted an entry of special interest to Dentists. Today our entry is for those (and I know you are out there) who have a special interest in Archaeology.

This is another National Geographic article so watch out for the glasses.

But, bottom line... many have said that there was no writing, etc. in the past. Well, there was.

And, even though this article does not mention the Bible, the fact that there is further proof of the Assyrian empire, and that they did write, and that they were advanced, as depicted in the Bible, is once again confirmed by Archaeology.

The Bible does have many things to say about the Assyrian Empire. Imagine that. It really existed. And the Bible was confirmed once again in its historical facts.

Well, with that said, to read about another interesting archaeological find, HERE’S THE LINK.