Sunday, May 31, 2009

What God Keeps

You are surely aware of this comforting passage in Scripture:

Numbers 6:24-26 (NKJV)

24. “The Lord bless you and keep you;
25. The Lord make His face shine upon you,
and be gracious to you;

26. The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
and give you peace.”

Recently, I was reading the March 11, 2003 devotional thoughts in Days of Praise. It elaborated on the Numbers 6:24 verse (“The Lord bless you and keep you”) and I thought, Hmmmm.... a ‘security of the believer verse.’

Continuing to read the comments by the writer, I was reminded that there is even more to what God “KEEPS”.

Actually, there are at least 4 things enumerated in the devotional thoughts that tell us what the Lord KEEPS:

1. He keeps us from losing our salvation
2. He keeps us from stumbling
3. He keeps us as a treasure
4. He will keep us from the coming tribulation

Indeed, this entire short article had very good and encouraging insights into what it means when it says “The Lord bless you and keep you”

I found this article most encouraging and want to share it with you.

And, in case you are wondering why I used the book cover for “Is your God Too Small” to illustrate today's topic -- it is because this is likely another area where we really don’t give God credit for what He can and will do for us. If you haven’t yet read that book and would like to get a copy, Here’s the Link.

But back to the topic at hand and without further ado, re. the article I was reading HERE’S THE LINK