Monday, May 4, 2020

Blue Angels and Thunderbirds fly together over New York City

You probably know that the Air Force Thunderbirds and the Navy's Blue Angels are flying together over many cities to provide a big thank you to all the First Responders and Workers helping with the Coronovirus.

The First flight was over New York City --

And since then they have flown over many more cities.

Perhaps you were able to see one of these flights in person.

But whether you did or didn't, you will love today's DIT.


Because it goes into detail concerning that first flight --

by detail, I mean you will see the Pilots enter their planes, the crews that keep the planes in tip top shape, and the actual flight over New York City.  You will even see the planes being refuled in air. 

You will be in the cockpit during most of this video-- and the views are stunning.

So Don't miss this DIT.

HERE'S THE LINK TO Blue Angels and Thunderbirds fly together over New York City