Saturday, March 30, 2013

Wonderful Savior

We are in the midst of a very special time of the year.

This is the week when Christians around the world celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord God Jesus Christ.

Why did Jesus die?

I heard a radio program recently where a person said that Jesus was the leader of a cult and finally died as a form of 'Suicide by Cop' !!

Alas, that is NOT the reason He died and He most certainly was not the leader of a cult.

Jesus is God and the Son of God.

And as the Son of God, He died as our substitute to pay the death penalty which every human on earth from the beginning of time deserves because of sins which they have personally committed.

Jesus lived a sinless life while here on earth so He was qualified to pay this death penalty for anyone who will accept it.

The hymn to which we are linking today tells WHY Jesus did this -- which is

"Jesus has loved me, Wonderful Savior !!! 
