Sunday, December 9, 2012

New startling statistics about Religion in America

A recent Pew Forum article reports that the number of Protestant adults in America has fallen to 48%, which is an all time low.

They further say that 20% of Americans now state they have no Religious affiliation at all.

This gets even more shocking when you look at the breakdown of that 20% with no Religious affiliation.

What is that breakdown?

Well, it seems that one-third of adults under 30 say they have no Religious affiliation at all and do not expect to become Religiously active in the future.

9% of those 65 and older also report no Religious affiliation.

Additionally, the number of Agnostics and Atheists is also increasing.

Sadly, this seems to correlate with what Jesus said in Luke 18:8 :  "… Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?"

To read the article with more details about these worrisome numbers, HERE'S THE LINK
