Monday, October 26, 2009

GeoCities bites the dust !!!

GeoCities is closing Oct 26 2009 !!!

Wow! Now this is sad. Today GeoCities became another piece of Nostalgia.

What is GeoCities? you young folks ask.

By the way, you ‘young folks’ need to start studying your history. Ameila, GeoCities, etc. There is a LOT that you need to know. Some of you have never even used dial up ! And the idea of 2.4 modems instead of the 56 K they ended with before going to high speed internet is surely unbelievable to you. And then let’s talk about rotary phones and .... But I digress.

Back to GeoCities. The reason this is sad is that my very first website was on GeoCities -- way back in 1997. Actually I had 2 sites on GeoCities. They are gone now. Poof. Just like the Compuserve Classic Sites went POOF a few months ago. That was more of a disaster to me since the Cserve sites went poof and I had no warning. Sigh. But you have heard that story so will not replay it here.

Anyway. Back in those early days of GeoCities you had to use html code to make your site. That is markedly different (and more difficult) than the way it is done now since most webpages now use WYSIWYG coding. Oh well, this is just one more thing the ‘young folks’ will never know they missed along with the rotary phones, no tv, etc.

Anyway, I saw an article on the web recently that said Oct 26 is the end date of GeoCities. And, with it goes the end of another era. Even though my early sites on GeoCities are now gone, the memories of those early days of ‘high adventure’ of being on the web remain in my list of ‘fond memories’. So this is a sad day.

But, whether you had a site on GeoCities or not, you do need to read the article about its passing. This is truly the end of another era. HERE’S THE LINK