There are several states that are famous for their beautiful fall colors --
I am speaking of the trees that turn so many beautiful shades and hues in the fall.
And Tennessee is one of those states with stunningly beautiful fall foliage colors.
But alas and alack, folks who are colorblind are not able to see and appreciate the awesome colors.
Until now !!
Until now? you ask. What do you mean.
Well, Tennessee parks have installed special foliage viewfinders in many of the state parks.
Colorblind folks, when viewing the fall colors through these viewfinders, can finally see what everyone else sees.
The link today explains about these special viewfinders and shows the reactions of colorblind people who are finally seeing the fall foliage colors for the first time.
You will be amazed, thrilled, and stunned.
HERE'S THE LINK to Tennessee parks intall foliage viewfinders for colorblind tourists