Saturday, February 29, 2020

Why there are thousands of Giant Arrows across the US ?

You probably have not seen them --

but there are thousands of Giant Arrows across the US.

Why are they there?

Today's click through will explain.

Here's a heads up re the video -- the last part is a commercial which you can watch or not.

And now -- with that said --

HERE'S THE LINK TO Why there are thousands of Giant Arrows across the US


Friday, February 28, 2020

Ravi Zacharias on Atheistic Evolution

Today's click through is to a short but very interesting video.

Ravi Zacharias tells of an encounter he had with an Atheistic Evolutionist.

I think you will find this interesting and thought provoking.

HERE'S THE LINK TO Ravi Zacharias on Atheistic Evolution


Thursday, February 27, 2020

23 Ordinary thing with unusual hidden uses

Today's click through really does tell of hidden uses (or uses of which most of us are not aware) of very common ordinary things.

Check this out.

HERE'S THE LINK TO 23 Ordinary thing with unusual hidden uses


Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Tim Tebow / The John 3:16 story

Everyone has likely heard about Tim Tebow --

and you may have seen John 3:16 which he wore under his eyes when he Quarterbacked at football.

Today our DIT tells the story of how the John 3:16 came about.

Very interesting.

Check this out.

HERE'S THE LINK TO Tim Tebow / The John 3:16 story


Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Major Breakthrough: Graphine Batteries finally hit the market


IF this is true then this is exciting.

So, whether you are a tech nerd or just a normal person -- this is something of which you need to be aware.

Check this out.

HERE'S THE LINK TO Major Breakthrough: Graphine Batteries finally hit the market


Monday, February 24, 2020

Dear Kitten

This is a really cute commercial for cat food --

but you only hear about the cat food at the very end of this really short video.

So sit back relax  and enjoy this really really cute video.  It's a hoot and a must watch.

HERE'S THE LINK to Dear Kitten


Sunday, February 23, 2020

Sunday Hymn: How Great Thou art

This is a well known favorite

sung by a well known favorite, George Beverly Shea.

There are several other songs by him on this same link so feel free to listen to one or more.

HERE'S THE LINK TO How Great Thou art

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Accidentally stolen car returned with apology note and gas money

Today's click through is to a very unusual story.

It seems a car was stolen

and, well, that is not so unusual --

but its' return was.

To get the details

HERE'S THE LINK TO Accidentally stolen car returned with apology note and gas money


Friday, February 21, 2020

Cockatiel sings iPhone ring tone

We've heard birds do their normal bird songs

but this bird has added to his collection of sounds.

Check this out.

HERE'S THE LINK TO Cockatiel sings iPhone ring tone

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Fuzzy little lamb is nonstop chaos little but fierce

Today's click through is about a little tiny lamb that was too small to be raised by his mother so he was adopted by a family that likes animals.

They raised him to the point where he could mingle with the big lambs.

This short video tells this story.

This little lamb is really really cute as you will see.

HERE'S THE LINK TO Fuzzy little lamb is nonstop chaos little but fierce

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

That's why Pluto is not a planet anymore

Years ago, we were taught that Pluto was a planet.

But a few years later Pluto was no longer considered to be a planet.

What happened?

Today's click through will explain.

HERE'S THE LINK TO That's why Pluto is not a planet anymore


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

What is imitation crab meat actually made of

You surely have seen -- or perhaps eaten -- imitation crab meat.

Since it is imitation -- it's not real crab meat but something else.

What, you ask, then is it made of?

Today's click through has the answer.

HERE'S THE LINK TO What is imitation crab meat actually made of


Monday, February 17, 2020

Chistopher's New Heart

Several years ago we made several posts about a little boy named Christopher who was born with serious heart defects.

They were so serious that he had to have a heart transplant.

Many DITers followed the story of his operation, post operative complications, and progress.  The picture here is when he was having a renal transplant when he was about 3 years old.

Christopher is now 10 years old and it's time for a followup.

Today's click through is a presentation by Christopher's father that tells about Christopher, the heart transplant, and much much  more.

Pull up a chair and listen.  You will be glad you did.

HERE'S THE LINK TO Christopher's heart transplant and the Gospel                                                           

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Saturday, February 15, 2020


Today's DIT (Daily Interesting thing) is a short  animated film

You might relate to the situation that a father and his son encounter in their daily lives.

Perhaps there is a lesson in it for you.  

There certainly was one for the father and his son.

Check it out.



Friday, February 14, 2020

Today is Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine’s day !

In America, many folks celebrate this day with Cards, Flowers (Roses, Bouquets, etc.), Chocolates, Jewelry, and even proposals of Marriage.

But, believe it or not, this is not just an American Holiday.

In Finland, for example, it is known as “Friend’s Day”

and in Guatemala it is known as “Day of Love and Friendship.”

And doubtless many other countries also celebrate this day.

But regardless of where you are -- Happy Valentines day.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

That's how cruise ships stay upright in any weather

Cruise ships are in the news these days -- alas due to illnesses

but speaking of cruise ships,

you might have wondered how and why they don't get blown over by big waves or winds.

Today's click through has the answer

HERE'S THE LINK TO That's how cruise ships stay upright in any weather


Wednesday, February 12, 2020

If God created us, didn't He also create sin and Satan

Likely you have asked this question or heard someone ask it.

At a forum at the University of Florida this question was asked --

and Ravi Zacharias and Vince Vitale responded.

To find out what they said

HERE'S THE LINK TO If God created us, didn't He also create sin and Satan

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Winter Wonderland

Well, winter is not yet over -- at least in some parts of the country.

Even the South in the USA got a big snow event recently.

Today's click through is not of that event but is a reminder of how beautiful snow can be and was.

Check it out as you take a ride through a Winter Wonderland.

HERE'S THE LINK TO Winter Wonderland


Monday, February 10, 2020

He can't cook but he loves the kitchen

 Today's Daily Interesting thing is truly interesting.

It has to do with pets.

Most folks have a 'normal' pet such as a cat or the dog pictured here but

there is a person in Japan who has an unusual pet.

What is it? you ask.

Well, believe it or not, it is an Owl. 

Yes you read that correctly.

And this pet owl is a hoot (pun intended).

HERE'S THE LINK TO He can't cook but loves the kitchen


Sunday, February 9, 2020

The Majesty and Glory of Your Name

Today's Anthem is a favorite of many.

Sung by the choir of First Baptist Dallas --

the words are provided.

HERE'S THE LINK TO The Majesty and Glory of Your Name


Saturday, February 8, 2020

What about those who don't believe in God

Ravi Zacharias is asked this question at a forum at Yale University.

You may have wondered about this question also.

Here's the reply he gave.

HERE'S THE LINK TO What about those who don't believe in God


Friday, February 7, 2020

The True Story behind Roe v. Wade

Many folks today were not yet alive or were very young when the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973 was handed down.

So today's click through is likely totally new information.

But whether you were alive and aware of the decision

or whether you weren't

Today's video is a must watch --

because the information in it needs to be made known to everyone.

HERE'S THE LINK TO The true story behind Roe v. Wade


Thursday, February 6, 2020

When Grandma watches the kids

We know that there are some Grandmothers who from time to time check out these Daily Interesting Things.

They will no doubt identify with today's click through.

It's another humorous epic from "It's a Southern Thing"


Here's the link to When Grandma watches the kids


Wednesday, February 5, 2020

He pours dish soap in the toilet. The reason? This changes everything

I don't know if this and the other interesting remedies in this video really work or not

but it is something you might want to consider if you are having the various problems addressed in the video.

HERE'S THE LINK TO He pours dish soap in the toilet. The reason? This changes everything

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

If I were the Devil (Best version) by Paul Harvey

Paul Harvey was a famous broadcaster -- back in the day

and he was well known for his short but profound commentaries.

Today is one of which is especially interesting

because he wrote and broadcasted it in 1965.

Amazing insight.

Check it out

HERE'S THE LINK TO If I were the Devil (Best version) by Paul Harvey (audio restored) bctvguy

Monday, February 3, 2020

Everyday is Groundhog day for Punxsutawney Phil's Caretakers

Yesterday was Groundhog day

and here at the DIT location, a groundhog would have seen its shadow. Sigh

So we will expect 6 more weeks of winter.

How about you?

But back in Pennsylvania where Punxsutawney Phil lives, his keepers work year round.


Today's click through will explain.

HERE'S THE LINK TO Everyday is Groundhog day for Punxsutawney Phil's Caretakers /today

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Today is GROUNDHOG Day

Yes, today is the day -- when we find out if winter continues or Spring comes soon.

According to Wikipedia: "Groundhog Day is a popular tradition celebrated in Canada and the United States on 2 February.
It derives from the Pennsylvania Dutch superstition that if a groundhog emerging from its burrow on this day sees its shadow due to clear weather, it will retreat to its den and winter will persist for six more weeks,
and if it does not see its shadow because of cloudiness, spring will arrive early."

Surely you have seen the famous movie that depicts this event in a Hilarious way --- If you haven't, you really need to see it asap.

There are several Groundhogs in the US who predict this event for us, the most famous being the Punxsutawney Groundhog.

So what happens on Groundhog day at the Punxsutawney location?

HERE'S THE LINK TO tell you what happens on Groundhog day at the Punxsutawney location

Watch the video on the link and then scroll down for more interesting information about Groundhog day

Saturday, February 1, 2020

How to make Homemade butter in 3 Minutes

Today is Saturday and you may have some time on your hands.

If so, you might want to consider making some butter.

What?  You say.

Yes !! Butter !!!

To find out how to do this

HERE'S THE LINK TO How to make Homemade butter in 3 Minutes