Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Katie has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge

This morning Katie the Toy Poodle crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.

Born in 2001, she was 15 years old (which is 105 in dog years).

Beloved by many DIT'ers, and especially by me, She will be be sorely missed as you can well imagine.

She had a long, full, and adventurous life but in this past year old age finally began to take its toll.  

She was having difficulties hearing, was almost blind, had trouble walking and, well, she was just getting tired and life wasn't fun anymore.

So, sadly, it was time for her to take the journey over the Rainbow Bridge.

The two pictures below depict the event.  

Goodbye Katie. You will be missed and will always be in my / our hearts and memories.

April 1, 2001 - Dec. 20, 2016